Understanding Adjectives – The Describers of Nouns

Adjectives are one of the most colorful and expressive parts of speech in English. They add detail and depth to our sentences by describing or modifying nouns. In this lesson, we’ll explore what adjectives are, the different types of adjectives, and how to use them effectively in sentences. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of adjectives and their role in making your writing more vivid and engaging.

What Is an Adjective?

Definition of an Adjective

An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun. It provides more information about the noun’s sizeshapecolorqualityquantity, or origin.

Examples of Adjectives

  • Size: big, small, tall, short
  • Shape: round, square, flat
  • Color: red, blue, green
  • Quality: beautiful, strong, kind
  • Quantity: some, many, few
  • Origin: American, Chinese, Italian

Types of Adjectives

Adjectives can be categorized into different types based on their function. Let’s explore the most common types:

1. Descriptive Adjectives

Descriptive adjectives describe the qualities or states of nouns.

  • Examples:
    • The beautiful sunset.
    • strong wind.
    • An old book.

2. Quantitative Adjectives

Quantitative adjectives indicate the quantity or amount of a noun.

  • Examples:
    • Some water.
    • Many books.
    • Few people.

3. Demonstrative Adjectives

Demonstrative adjectives point to specific nouns.

  • Examples:
    • This book.
    • That car.
    • These apples.
    • Those shoes.

4. Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives show ownership or possession.

  • Examples:
    • My book.
    • Your pen.
    • His car.
    • Her bag.

5. Interrogative Adjectives

Interrogative adjectives are used to ask questions about nouns.

  • Examples:
    • Which book do you want?
    • What color is your car?
    • Whose bag is this?

6. Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Comparative and superlative adjectives are used to compare nouns.

  • Comparative Adjectives: Compare two things.
    • Examples: bigger, faster, more interesting
    • Sentence: She is taller than her brother.
  • Superlative Adjectives: Compare three or more things.
    • Examples: biggest, fastest, most interesting
    • Sentence: She is the tallest in her class.

Functions of Adjectives in Sentences

Adjectives can serve different roles in a sentence. Here are the most common functions:

1. Attributive Adjectives

Attributive adjectives come before the noun they describe.

  • Example: The red car is fast.

2. Predicative Adjectives

Predicative adjectives come after a linking verb and describe the subject.

  • Example: The car is red.

3. Postpositive Adjectives

Postpositive adjectives come after the noun they describe, often in fixed expressions or poetic language.

  • Example: The president elect.

Order of Adjectives

When multiple adjectives describe a noun, they usually follow a specific order:

  1. Opinion: beautiful, ugly, nice
  2. Size: big, small, tall
  3. Age: old, young, new
  4. Shape: round, square, flat
  5. Color: red, blue, green
  6. Origin: American, Chinese, Italian
  7. Material: wooden, metal, cotton
  8. Purpose: sleeping (bag), cooking (oil)


  • beautiful (opinion) large (size) old (age) round (shape) red (color) Italian (origin) wooden (material) dining (purpose) table.

Common Mistakes with Adjectives

Here are some common mistakes people make with adjectives and how to avoid them:

1. Confusing Adjectives and Adverbs

  • Incorrect: She sings beautiful.
  • Correct: She sings beautifully.

2. Using Double Comparatives or Superlatives

  • Incorrect: This is the most fastest car.
  • Correct: This is the fastest car.

3. Misplacing Adjectives

  • Incorrect: She bought a red beautiful dress.
  • Correct: She bought a beautiful red dress.

Practice Activities

Activity 1: Identify the Adjective

Identify the adjectives in the following sentences:

  1. The big dog barked loudly. (big)
  2. She wore a beautiful dress. (beautiful)
  3. This book is interesting. (this, interesting)

Activity 2: Choose the Correct Adjective

Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentences:

  1. She is the taller/tallest in her class. (tallest)
  2. This is a beautiful/beautifully painting. (beautiful)
  3. He has many/much books. (many)

Activity 3: Correct the Mistakes

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

  1. She sings beautiful. → She sings beautifully.
  2. This is the most fastest car. → This is the fastest car.


Adjectives are essential for adding detail and depth to your sentences. By understanding the types of adjectives, their functions in sentences, and the order of adjectives, you’ll be able to communicate more vividly and effectively. Keep practicing, and soon you’ll master the use of adjectives!

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