Irregular verbs are a unique and essential part of English grammar. Unlike regular verbs, which follow a predictable pattern when forming their past tense and past participle forms, irregular verbs have unique forms that must be memorized. In this lesson, we’ll explore what irregular verbs are, why they matter, and how to use them correctly in sentences. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of irregular verbs and be able to use them confidently in your writing and speaking.
Introduction to Irregular Verbs
Definition of Irregular Verbs
Irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow the standard rules for forming their past tense and past participle forms. While regular verbs typically add -ed to form the past tense (e.g., “walk” → “walked”), irregular verbs have unique forms that must be memorized. For example, the verb “go” changes to “went” in the past tense and “gone” in the past participle. Irregular verbs are common in English, and mastering them is essential for accurate communication.
Comparison with Regular Verbs
Regular verbs follow a predictable pattern:
- Base Form: walk
- Past Tense: walked
- Past Participle: walked
Irregular verbs, on the other hand, do not follow this pattern:
- Base Form: go
- Past Tense: went
- Past Participle: gone
Importance of Mastering Irregular Verbs
Irregular verbs are used frequently in everyday speech and writing. Using them correctly helps you sound more fluent and natural. For example, saying “She went to the store” instead of “She goed to the store” makes your sentence grammatically correct and easier to understand. Mastering irregular verbs is crucial for effective communication and building confidence in English.
Common Irregular Verbs
Below is a table of common irregular verbs with their base form, past tense, and past participle. Memorizing these forms will help you use irregular verbs correctly in sentences.
# | Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle |
1 | arise | arose | arisen |
2 | awake | awoke | awoken |
3 | be | was/were | been |
4 | bear | bore | borne |
5 | beat | beat | beaten |
6 | become | became | become |
7 | begin | began | begun |
8 | bend | bent | bent |
9 | bet | bet | bet |
10 | bind | bound | bound |
11 | bite | bit | bitten |
12 | bleed | bled | bled |
13 | blow | blew | blown |
14 | break | broke | broken |
15 | bring | brought | brought |
16 | build | built | built |
17 | burn | burnt/burned | burnt/burned |
18 | buy | bought | bought |
19 | catch | caught | caught |
20 | choose | chose | chosen |
21 | come | came | come |
22 | cost | cost | cost |
23 | cut | cut | cut |
24 | deal | dealt | dealt |
25 | dig | dug | dug |
26 | do | did | done |
27 | draw | drew | drawn |
28 | dream | dreamt/dreamed | dreamt/dreamed |
29 | drink | drank | drunk |
30 | drive | drove | driven |
31 | eat | ate | eaten |
32 | fall | fell | fallen |
33 | feed | fed | fed |
34 | feel | felt | felt |
35 | fight | fought | fought |
36 | find | found | found |
37 | flee | fled | fled |
38 | fly | flew | flown |
39 | forget | forgot | forgotten |
40 | forgive | forgave | forgiven |
41 | freeze | froze | frozen |
42 | get | got | gotten/got |
43 | give | gave | given |
44 | go | went | gone |
45 | grow | grew | grown |
46 | hang | hung | hung |
47 | have | had | had |
48 | hear | heard | heard |
49 | hide | hid | hidden |
50 | hit | hit | hit |
51 | hold | held | held |
52 | hurt | hurt | hurt |
53 | keep | kept | kept |
54 | know | knew | known |
55 | lay | laid | laid |
56 | lead | led | led |
57 | learn | learnt/learned | learnt/learned |
58 | leave | left | left |
59 | lend | lent | lent |
60 | let | let | let |
61 | lie | lay | lain |
62 | light | lit/lighted | lit/lighted |
63 | lose | lost | lost |
64 | make | made | made |
65 | mean | meant | meant |
66 | meet | met | met |
67 | pay | paid | paid |
68 | put | put | put |
69 | read | read | read |
70 | ride | rode | ridden |
71 | ring | rang | rung |
72 | rise | rose | risen |
73 | run | ran | run |
74 | say | said | said |
75 | see | saw | seen |
76 | sell | sold | sold |
77 | send | sent | sent |
78 | set | set | set |
79 | shake | shook | shaken |
80 | shine | shone | shone |
81 | shoot | shot | shot |
82 | show | showed | shown |
83 | shut | shut | shut |
84 | sing | sang | sung |
85 | sink | sank | sunk |
86 | sit | sat | sat |
87 | sleep | slept | slept |
88 | slide | slid | slid |
89 | speak | spoke | spoken |
90 | spend | spent | spent |
91 | stand | stood | stood |
92 | steal | stole | stolen |
93 | stick | stuck | stuck |
94 | sting | stung | stung |
95 | strike | struck | struck |
96 | swear | swore | sworn |
97 | sweep | swept | swept |
98 | swim | swam | swum |
99 | take | took | taken |
100 | teach | taught | taught |
101 | tear | tore | torn |
102 | tell | told | told |
103 | think | thought | thought |
104 | throw | threw | thrown |
105 | understand | understood | understood |
106 | wake | woke | woken |
107 | wear | wore | worn |
108 | win | won | won |
109 | write | wrote | written |
110 | abide | abode/abided | abode/abided |
111 | befall | befell | befallen |
112 | beget | begot | begotten |
113 | behold | beheld | beheld |
114 | beseech | besought | besought |
115 | bespeak | bespoke | bespoken |
116 | bestrew | bestrewed | bestrewn |
117 | bestride | bestrode | bestridden |
118 | betake | betook | betaken |
119 | bid (farewell) | bade | bidden |
120 | bid (auction) | bid | bid |
121 | bind | bound | bound |
122 | bless | blest/blessed | blest/blessed |
123 | breed | bred | bred |
124 | broadcast | broadcast | broadcast |
125 | browbeat | browbeat | browbeaten |
126 | burst | burst | burst |
127 | bust | bust/busted | bust/busted |
128 | cast | cast | cast |
129 | clap | clapped/clapt | clapped/clapt |
130 | cleave (split) | cleft/clove | cleft/cloven |
131 | cleave (adhere) | clave | cleaved |
132 | cling | clung | clung |
133 | clothe | clad/clothed | clad/clothed |
134 | creep | crept | crept |
135 | crossbreed | crossbred | crossbred |
136 | dare | durst/dared | dared |
137 | deal | dealt | dealt |
138 | disprove | disproved | disproven/disproved |
139 | dive | dived/dove | dived |
140 | dwell | dwelt/dwelled | dwelt/dwelled |
141 | enwind | enwound | enwound |
142 | fight | fought | fought |
143 | fit | fitted/fit | fitted/fit |
144 | flee | fled | fled |
145 | fling | flung | flung |
146 | forbear | forbore | forborne |
147 | forego | forewent | foregone |
148 | foresee | foresaw | foreseen |
149 | foretell | foretold | foretold |
150 | forgo | forwent | forgone |
151 | gainsay | gainsaid | gainsaid |
152 | grind | ground | ground |
153 | hamstring | hamstrung | hamstrung |
154 | heave | hove/heaved | hove/heaved |
155 | hew | hewed | hewn/hewed |
156 | inlay | inlaid | inlaid |
157 | input | input/inputted | input/inputted |
158 | interweave | interwove | interwoven |
159 | kneel | knelt/kneeled | knelt/kneeled |
160 | knit | knitted/knit | knitted/knit |
161 | lade | laded | laden/laded |
162 | lean | leant/leaned | leant/leaned |
163 | leap | leapt/leaped | leapt/leaped |
164 | miscast | miscast | miscast |
165 | misdeal | misdealt | misdealt |
166 | mishear | misheard | misheard |
167 | mislay | mislaid | mislaid |
168 | mislead | misled | misled |
169 | misread | misread | misread |
170 | miswrite | miswrote | miswritten |
171 | offset | offset | offset |
172 | outbid | outbid | outbid |
173 | outdo | outdid | outdone |
174 | outgrow | outgrew | outgrown |
175 | output | output/outputted | output/outputted |
176 | outrun | outran | outrun |
177 | outsell | outsold | outsold |
178 | outshine | outshone | outshone |
179 | overbid | overbid | overbid |
180 | overcome | overcame | overcome |
181 | overdo | overdid | overdone |
182 | overdraw | overdrew | overdrawn |
183 | overeat | overate | overeaten |
184 | overhang | overhung | overhung |
185 | overhear | overheard | overheard |
186 | overlay | overlaid | overlaid |
187 | overpay | overpaid | overpaid |
188 | overrun | overran | overrun |
189 | oversee | oversaw | overseen |
190 | overshoot | overshot | overshot |
191 | oversleep | overslept | overslept |
192 | overthrow | overthrew | overthrown |
193 | partake | partook | partaken |
194 | plead | pled/pleaded | pled/pleaded |
195 | preset | preset | preset |
196 | proofread | proofread | proofread |
197 | rebind | rebound | rebound |
198 | recast | recast | recast |
199 | relay | relaid | relaid |
200 | reset | reset | reset |
Using Irregular Verbs in Sentences
Present Tense vs. Past Tense vs. Past Participle
Irregular verbs have three main forms: the base form (present tense), the past tense, and the past participle. Each form is used in different contexts:
- Base Form: Used for the present tense (except third-person singular).
- Example: I go to school every day.
- Past Tense: Used for actions completed in the past.
- Example: I went to school yesterday.
- Past Participle: Used with helping verbs (e.g., have, has, had) to form perfect tenses.
- Example: I have gone to school.
Examples of Irregular Verbs in Different Tenses
Here are some examples of irregular verbs in sentences:
- Base Form: She eats breakfast every day.
- Past Tense: She ate breakfast this morning.
- Past Participle: She has eaten breakfast.
- Base Form: They see the movie.
- Past Tense: They saw the movie last night.
- Past Participle: They have seen the movie.
Practice Exercises
- Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form:
- She ________ (go) to the store yesterday. (went)
- He has ________ (eat) breakfast. (eaten)
- They ________ (see) the movie last night. (saw)
- Rewrite the sentences using the correct verb form:
- She go to the store yesterday. → She went to the store yesterday.
- He has eated breakfast. → He has eaten breakfast.
Common Mistakes with Irregular Verbs
1. Using the Wrong Form
A common mistake is using the wrong form of an irregular verb.
- Incorrect: She has went to the store.
- Correct: She has gone to the store.
2. Overgeneralizing Rules
Some learners apply the regular verb rule (-ed) to irregular verbs.
- Incorrect: He eated breakfast.
- Correct: He ate breakfast.
3. Confusing Past Tense and Past Participle
Another common mistake is using the past tense instead of the past participle (or vice versa).
- Incorrect: She has went to the store.
- Correct: She has gone to the store.
Tips for Avoiding Mistakes
- Memorize Common Irregular Verbs: Create a list of common irregular verbs and practice their forms.
- Practice Regularly: Use irregular verbs in speaking and writing to reinforce your understanding.
- Proofread: Check your writing for correct verb forms.
Practice Activities
Activity 1: Fill in the Blanks
Complete the sentences with the correct verb form:
- She ________ (go) to the store yesterday. (went)
- He has ________ (eat) breakfast. (eaten)
- They ________ (see) the movie last night. (saw)
Activity 2: Identify the Correct Verb Form
Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences:
- She has ________ (gone/went) to the store. (gone)
- He ________ (ate/eaten) breakfast this morning. (ate)
- They have ________ (seen/saw) the movie. (seen)
Activity 3: Correct the Mistakes
Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
- She has went to the store. → She has gone to the store.
- He eated breakfast. → He ate breakfast.
- They have saw the movie. → They have seen the movie.